Child's Name
First Name
Last Name
Known As
The name they are referred to by friends and family.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
First Language
Other Languages
First Name
Last Name
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Place of Work
Work Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
Able to collect child?
First Name
Last Name
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Place of Work
Work Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
Able to collect child?
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Child
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Which Sessions?
Full Day
Start Date
Which Days?
Monday-Friday Available
Additional Requirements?
Home Visit Date?
Doctor's Name
First Name
Last Name
Surgery Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Please tick if your child has been vaccinated against the following:
Whooping Cough
Details of other vaccines
If your child has had any infections diseases, please give details here
Does your child have any food allergies or dietary requirements?
Please provide details here
If there are any foods your do NOT want your child to have, please list here
If your child has any cultural or religious requirements, please describe here
Please list any other useful details here
Medical Treatment
I hereby give my consent for the staff of Little Xplorers to administer Emergency First Aid or seek emergency Medical or Dental attention including hospital treatment if it is deemed necessary.
I give my consent
I do not give my consent
I hereby give my consent for my child to be photographed and for those photographs to be used in displays around the nursery and stored in my child's files.
Yes, I consent.
No, I do not consent.
I hereby give my consent for my child’s photograph to be placed within another child’s learning journey file.
Yes, I consent.
No, I do not consent.
I hereby give my consent for my child’s photograph to be used for advertising purposes on the nursery website and newsletter and any press releases.
Yes, I consent.
No, I do not consent.
I hereby give my consent for Little Xplorers staff to apply a Plaster, when necessary, to my child. My child has not shown any allergy to a plaster from previous applications.
Yes, I consent.
No, I do not consent.
I hereby give consent for Little Xplorers staff to apply Sun Cream Factor 30+ when necessary. I understand that I hold the responsibility for providing Sun Cream, Hat and appropriate clothing for outdoor play throughout the Summer months. I also understand that if my child is not provided with Sun Cream He/she will not be able to participate in Outdoor activities.
Yes, I consent.
No, I do not consent.
I hereby give consent for Little Xplorers staff to share information about my child with other Agencies (e.g. Special Educational Needs Support, Speech & Language Support, Child Development Support)
Yes, I consent.
No, I do not consent.
Do you Agree to our Terms and Conditions?
Little Xplorers Nursery
Terms and Conditions
Full Day Session = 8.00am – 6.00pm
Morning Session = 8.00am - 1.00pm
Afternoon Session = 1.00pm – 6.00pm
All session requirements must be confirmed in writing.
A minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for all session changes must be given.
Children must be registered for a minimum of 2 full days/4 sessions per week.
Shift Patterns
The nursery can accommodate some shift pattern changes subject to availability of places but in order for us to manage this irregular booking pattern, sessions must be confirmed one month in advance in writing.
Late Collection Charges
The nursery closes promptly at 6pm; any parent who is late collecting their child will incur a late collection charge. The charge is £1.00 per minute after 6pm.
Fee Payment:
Fees must be paid one month in advance by the first day of the month.
Payment is required by Direct Debit, Card Payment, Child Care Vouchers Internet/Telephone banking. Details of Little Xplorers Bank account details are available on request for internet and telephone banking payments
A £25.00 administration fee will be charged on a monthly basis for all late payments.
The nursery will be closed for one week at Christmas & all Bank Holidays.
Sickness/ Absence:
Children who have, or develop, an infectious illness must be excluded from nursery for a minimum of 48hours.
This is in the best interest of the child and the other children and complies with regulations set out by the Environmental Health Department. The nursery must be notified of all absences.
Sickness or absence from Nursery does not qualify for a reduction in fees.
Children accessing the NEG 2, 3, or 4 MUST inform the nursery of any sickness or holidays as places can be withdrawn, if there has been no information for absence given to the nursery. If children are away for a two or more week period without explanation, then the nursery will have to inform the Local Authority and the place may be withdrawn.
One month’s written notice, by either party is required to terminate a child’s place at nursery. One month’s fees in lieu of notice will be charged.
Fees are still payable for the months’ notice even if the child does not attend the nursery.
Family Discounts:
Where two or more children from one family attend the nursery for three days or more per week, the oldest child will be eligible for a 10% discount in their monthly fees.
Clothing and Personal Items:
The Nursery cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal items or clothing.
Parents should supply sufficient clothing for their child‘s daily needs and a spare set of clothing in case of accidents.
Sun cream and sunhats should be supplied in the warmer months. Suitable footwear and clothing for outdoors must also be provided. All children should have a pair of wellington boots for outdoor play in the Autumn/Winter months.
Little Xplorers Day Nursery
Terms and Conditions
Sessions :)
Full Day Session = 8.00am – 6.00pm
Morning Session = 8.00am - 1.00pm
Afternoon Session = 1.00pm – 6.00pm
All session requirements must be confirmed in writing.
A minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for all session changes must be given.
Children must be registered for a minimum of 2 full days/4 sessions per week.
Shift Patterns
The nursery can accommodate some shift patterns subject to availability of places but in order for us to manage this irregular booking pattern, sessions must be confirmed one month in advance in writing.
Fee Payment:
Fees must be paid one month in advance by the first day of the month.
Payment is required by Direct Debit, Card Payment, Child Care Vouchers Internet/Telephone banking. Details of Little Xplorers Bank account are available on request for internet and telephone banking payments
A £25 administration fee will be charged for all late payments.
The nursery will be closed for one week at Christmas & all Bank Holidays.
Sickness/ Absence:
Children who have, or develop, an infectious illness must be excluded from nursery for a minimum of 48hours.
This is in the best interest of the child and the other children and complies with regulations set out by the Environmental Health Department. The nursery must be notified of all absences.
Sickness or absence from Nursery does not qualify for a reduction in fees.
One month’s written notice, by either party is required to terminate a child’s place at nursery. One month’s fees in lieu of notice will be charged.
Fees are still payable for the months’ notice even if the child does not attend the nursery.
Family Discounts:
Where two or more children from one family attend the nursery for three days or more per week, the oldest child will be eligible for a 10% discount in their monthly fees.
Clothing and Personal Items:
The Nursery cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal items or clothing.
Parents should supply sufficient clothing for their child‘s daily needs and a spare set of clothing in case of accidents.
Sun cream and sunhats should be supplied in the warmer months. Suitable footwear and clothing for outdoors must also be provided. All children should have a pair of Wellington boots for use in the Autumn/Winter months.
I agree
I disagree
Payment Agreement
(Enter your Digital Signature Above)
Registration Fee (Non-refundable)
A Registration Fee of £50 Is Due With This Registration Form.
DEPOSIT (2 weeks deposit is required before starting the nursery, this will be refunded when your child leaves the nursery, if there no fees outstanding on your account) the non-refundable registration fee and two week deposit is not applicable to children claiming the NEG 2, 3 or 4