We will be providing hot lunches and puddings for the children. We have employed the services of an outside caterer to supply the lunches and these will cater for children’s individual cultural and dietary needs. All meals are healthy and nutritious.
The company that provide our lunches are called Yum Yum, who are an accredited meal delivery service for both nurseries and schools. They hold an EU registration. Yum Yum will cater for all dietary and religious requirements. You can check out their website for more information
The children and staff sit together to eat their lunch: it provides the children with a very social experience, encouraging interaction with both other children and adults and introducing an awareness of social etiquette. The children are encouraged to be as independent as possible during lunch, but staff will offer assistance, if children need it.
We operate a Healthy Eating Policy within the nursery, children learn about the importance of eating healthily and its benefits and we hope that this will set up life-long standards of eating well.
The nursery provides a mid morning and late afternoon snack which will include fresh fruit, crackers and cheese, carrots and cucumber.
The children are encouraged to drink milk at snack times, but water is available throughout the day.